Glaucoma Service
Eye Appeal Optometry
Henry T Oishi, OD
Optometrist located in Temecula, CA
More than three million Americans suffer from glaucoma, and it’s the most common cause of blindness worldwide. Even though there is no cure for glaucoma yet, there are ways to slow down the progression. Dr. Henry Oishi, O.D. at Eye Appeal Optometry will create a treatment plan so that you outlive the disease as much as possible, and not the other way around. Schedule your eye exam appointment at the Temecula, California, Eye Appeal Optometry practice online or call to speak with a team member.
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Glaucoma Q & A
What is glaucoma?
Glaucoma isn't just one eye disorder: it's a group of disorders that cause high eye pressure resulting in optic nerve damage. The most common type of glaucoma is open-angle glaucoma. In open-angle glaucoma, the eye’s drainage network looks healthy, but it won’t drain fluid properly, and the fluid builds up deep inside the eye.
In closed-angle glaucoma, the fluid buildup is at the entrance to the eye. The area between your iris and cornea doesn't allow enough room for fluid to drain normally.
No matter which type of glaucoma you're dealing with, it's a serious medical issue that needs treatment right away.
Am I at risk for glaucoma?
Glaucoma risk factors include, but are not limited to:
Age 40-plus
Being nearsighted or farsighted
Family history of glaucoma
Previous eye injury
Previous long-term steroid use
Thinner-than-normal corneas
Thinner-than-normal optic nerve
History of health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, or circulatory issues
If you have one or more of these risk factors, Dr. Oishi makes sure to closely monitor you for signs of glaucoma during your checkups.
What are the symptoms of glaucoma?
In its early stages, glaucoma is typically symptomless. Due to this, it's vital that you have regular glaucoma screenings so Dr. Oishi can identify it and start treatment before symptoms appear. Dr. Oishi checks for glaucoma during comprehensive eye exams, which he recommends you have on a yearly basis.
If you have advanced glaucoma, you're likely to have a loss or partial loss of your peripheral vision. You may also experience symptoms like:
Blurry central vision
Severe headaches
Eye pain
Rainbow halos around lights
It’s only when glaucoma is in its final stages that noticeable central vision loss occurs.
What is the treatment for glaucoma?
Glaucoma treatment can greatly delay the progression of the disease. Some of the most effective treatments include:
Eye drops to lower eye pressure
Oral medications to reduce fluid production in your eye
Laser surgery to lower your eye pressure and remove excess tissue, if needed
Dr. Oishi can create a glaucoma treatment plan that minimizes your symptoms and delays the progression of the disease as much as possible. With the right approach, you may be able to avoid vision loss.
To get tested for glaucoma or receive glaucoma treatment, schedule your appointment online at Eye Appeal Optometry. You can also call the office to speak with a team member.